C. M. C.

I’m an artist, technologist, and educator, who is currently rostered as Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder (CMCI, Information Science.) I draw from an interdisciplinary background in information science, digital culture, participatory design, and critical pedagogy. I am focused on developing and implementing expansive and engaging curricula that bridges STEM and creative expression. I am particularly interested in doing so with marginalized populations and first generation/first year students.As an artist, my work is an investigation into society and technology’s mutual influence. As a practice, I’m interested in how data, text, imagery, and the body serve as critical mediators towards understanding the social, emotional, and existential impacts of technology on contemporary life, with an eye towards critical making and reimagining future potential. The complexities which emerge from digital cultures and our technologized landscapes are research subjects, while the methods of interaction, exploration, and engagement collapse into a research-based practice that itself formally resolves as time-based media, creative coding, poetics, performance, and new media.
