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Statewide Competition Sponsored by the Town of Superior


Due to public request and summer timing, Superior CAPS has expanded the submission period for a new deadline of August 18, 2024.

Jury of Professional Artists + Cash Prizes
Public Notoriety + Colorado's First AI Public Art


Designed for Professionals & Amateurs Alike...

The Town of Superior's public art committee (Cultural Arts & Public Spaces - "CAPS") is interested in promoting cutting edge digital arts locally and regionally, as well as building the local talent base of artists competent in creating digital arts of all types. Superior is investing in digital arts, including photography, visual effects & motion graphics, 3D work, NFTs, & generative art.  The newest innovation in the creative space - and one of the most controversial - involves using artificial intelligence to pattern-match across the collected creative wisdom of our society to generate derivative and/or entirely new works.  AI art tools are both incredibly novel and approachable for artists of all skill levels - from novice to professional alike - allowing artists to create new and compelling content that can be celebrated for its uniqueness, innovation of artistic process, and high quality. 


Exploring the Landscape of AI Tools & Issues...

We are launching this Colorado statewide competition to bring attention to this emerging space - while at the same time using this opportunity to inform our residents about the legal, ethical, and technical issues that AI systems of all types create. This is both a creative exercise and an exercise in future-proofing the skillsets and awareness levels of our friends & neighbors. If you're a resident of Colorado, come join the US's first statewide AI art competition!

The competition's theme is "Technology & Emotion" - create a work using generative AI at some point in your artistic process that responds to this theme, and help us explore this new landscape. We ask artists for their process in creating an image - not just an image by itself.  So elucidate us on your experiments with generative AI and win a place in Superior's permanent public art collection! 

"Monet's Water Lilies in the Rockies, tended by drones"

Will you be the first AI-assisted Monet of the Rockies?  Submit a work and find out!

Apply Now!

Rules for Submissions

Timeline & Important Dates

  • May 15, 2024 12am MT Launch competition and submissions are open
  • June 30, 2024 11:59pm MT Submissions Closed
  • August 17, 2024 5:00pm MT Potential opening reception
  • August 18, 2024 11:59pm MT Submission Closed
  • September 1, 2024 12:00pm MT Acceptance List released
  • September 15, 2024 12:00pm MT Prize Winners Announced
  • September 27, 2024 5:00pm MT Potential opening reception


Purchase Prizes

First, Second and Third place purchase prizes (one of each) will be awarded by the jury. The jury may also decide to award (any amount of) Honorable Mentions. All winners will be announced on the website, social media, and press releases.  In exchange for the prize monies, the three winning art pieces (and any Honorable Mentions) will be acquired by Superior CAPS and will become part of the Town’s public art collection. In addition to networking and visibility opportunities, the pieces may be exhibited at various events or on Town platforms.

  1. First Prize                          $500 purchase of the work
  2. Second Prize                     $250 purchase of the work
  3. Third Prize                         $100 purchase of the work
  4. Honorable Mention (ea)   $50 purchase of the work, if any

Plus Superior CAPS will host an Opening Reception with the accepted & prize-winning entries, on brand new 65" Samsung Frame digital screens, allowing each submitted work to be viewed in large format high definition.


Submission Tutorial